February 2007

There is a really neat collection of short stories by some creative Youngstown, Ohio writers out now that can be
checked out at:   WNWG Presents Collection of Short Stories on Amazon.
All their exploits can be delved into at their literary station: WNWG Wednesday Night Writing Group
Their publisher has a page for it also: WNWG Presents book
I just got done being highly entertained by one of the authors ( Ms. Koocher) stories (both fiction and non-fiction) at
A preview of the illustrations can be viewed at Storm Bird Studios


He found a pea in his pocket, in the pocket of his shirt

Prince’s pine, prince in the pines

The schools were closed because of sickness

A dried leaf of mint , remaining scent of summer visitors tossing back their whiskeys among the furniture

Down the dark hollow through the snowy cold, winter train flings –squeals shapes shidft something somewthig —past at the bottom of the hollow at the end of the winter fhollow lies Spring

In the light of the sewage house where the sewage lives

Thast we have sent

That we have all sent

White cat runs between our cars on the backstreet in the wintery cold in the dark

The white cat between us

Giant wings going down the road –or props of a windmill  blades –or thw ings of an angel so big

A man points out that Security is a a type of Theartre now. It is all about feeling, I t is a kabuki dance

Mary must mourne molly

Threee Little birds are at the door to my park

Sitting for s;plit seconds , flinking about and away

A chickadee, a blue-grey nuthatch, a reddish wren –winter wren in the winter?


Tired a little from shoveling snow, hands burnt from photos in the snowy river banks

The snow winds roar down  up the thru our river valley the cabins hear them coming ang crouch before them

Then there is a blurry sea of driftiign snow, a watery thingee to float thru

Out and across the lot of the post office, now we know what the moaning scxhreeching sound was, it ti s the scream of the wind thru things, car partdss, lite poles electric wires, joined by church bells tolling and overhead roil     rolling glittery swarms of stars

Clear cold cacaphony

Feb 4 Considering the Fourth Pair of sox

Rattle and thump at the front door but its    only the wind

loud osund of clear air over the wings of  the C-130 low overhead

Thick Towel against the window blow

3 below lullaby tea

(“ask a stranger why I’m waiting in the chamber of a gun” “ I’d like to be tha b ig black bird sitting in ypoonder tree….I wish Iw was that river rolling on cdown to the sea, I wish I was that cold hard stone” and other songs of ravens)

Cold knees predictions of doom